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Farm Frenzy 3

Farm Frenzy 3
Đánh giá: 0.0/0

[Lượt xem: 1114 -|- Tải về: 209 ]
Tải Về: Máy tính
Kiểu Files:
Chuyên Mục: Action & Arcade
Ngày Update: 06-01-2016 - 3:07 PM
Play Game: Play


Phần nội dung và hướng dẫn cách chơi
Featuring expanded gameplay and a delightful new central character, Farm Frenzy 3 has arrived! In the arcade business sim, Scarlett travels to Africa, South America and other exotic locations to manage five farms and try her hand at penguin breeding and jewelry making. Her goal is to become the president of the farmers union by earning the votes of the people she helps.
Bộ đếm: 1114/0/209
Tổng bình luận: 0

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